who are you?

who are you?

вторник, 6 июня 2017 г.

Meditation for Forgiveness

If you’re in need of forgiveness, follow this meditation:

  •  Close or open your eyes, whichever is more comfortable.
  •  Think of all those you may need to forgive for hurting you: Can you forgive them?
  •  Think of those you have hurt: Can you ask for forgiveness?
  •  Reflect on the fact that everyone, including you, is always doing the best they can in any moment: Are you holding onto guilt? Can you forgive yourself?
  •  Choose one person you need to forgive: What emotions are you feeling? Where are you feeling them in your body? Is there discomfort there? Breathe deeply into that area of your body.  Allow your breath to begin untying the knots.
  •  Bring your awareness into your heart. Be aware of your own ability for love and compassion.
  •  Breathe in Love. Fill yourself with Pure Love.
  •  For now, put aside what was done and see the person as a small baby—see their purity and their innocence.
  •  Bring this baby into your heart. Hold this baby in your Love. Can you forgive this innocent child?
  •  Try to understand what might have happened to make the person behave the way they did.
  •  Forgive.
  •  Forgive and free yourself.
  •  Breathe.
  •  Imagine what your life will be like when you have forgiven everyone, including yourself.
  •  Be grateful for the miracle of your life.
  •  Be grateful for everyone in your life.
  •  Take a few deep breaths.
  •  When you’re ready, slowly open your eyes.

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