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who are you?

среда, 28 октября 2015 г.

Activate Your Seven Chakras For Vitality

CHAKRA is a Sanskrit word that means "wheel". Those that can see them,
describe chakras as spinning wheels of light that glow and spread outwards.  The magnificence of the radiating colours reflects the strength of a person's inner chi, the clarity of one's thoughts and the purity of one's attitudes.    Chakras are concentrations of focused energy that have both mental and spiritual power. When we activate and balance our chakras, we stimulate the optimum release of powerful energies, which give rise to feelings of well-being, good health and enhanced mental clarity.

Chakras are a core belief of many meditative practices, spiritual and religious and have been incorporated into many new age practices...although the Chakra system was first developed in India in the middle ages.

When our chakras are unhealthy, blocked or unbalanced they lead us to make unwise decisions and often make us unhappy or depressed.   Ideally chakras should be active and spinning at a similar rate to each other...but most of us have some chakras that are overactive and others that are closed down or underactive and require stimulation.  When stimulated, blockages that subvert the flow of inner chi will dissolve, helping to release mental pressure and negative emotions. 

Advocates of chakra stimulation feel that unless this is done, your mind and emotions can create resistance within the inner systems of your body so that eventually these blockages assume physical proportions lodging in whichever physical area of the body is most vulnerable.  This is what gives rise to disease and illness.

Stimulating Your Chakras

Highly attained yogics use meditative equipoises and their methods reflect their high levels of mental and spiritual attainments known as siddhic powers.  These are not readily available to ordinary folk like us unless you are studying with a realized guru or lama.

However, we can use simple calm-abiding meditation and other visualization techniques to achieve some small stimulation of our chakra centers, which will bring enormous health and spiritually awakening benefits. We can focus our conscious awareness onto the seven chakra points located at different vital places of the body.

Picture of the Seven Chakra Points of the body

The Seven Chakra Points

ChakraLocationPurposeVisualize Colour
FirstBase of SpineGrounding/Stabilize Black
SecondGenital AreaSexualityDark Red
ThirdNavel/Solar PlexusPersonal Power
Emotional Release
FourthHeartPromotes Mental ClarityBlue
FifthThroatEmpowers SpeechRed
SixthBrow Between EyeGenerates Inner WisdomLavender
SeventhCrown of HeadWholeness & Physical

The method is to visualize coloured light at the chakra area, but you can also use coloured crystals to activate the chakra.  Place the crystals on the point while lying down flat on your back, feeling relaxed and visualize the colour radiating outwards.  Crystals, being symmetrical in their molecular structure, radiate energy in a consistent and steady manner and are therefore an excellent way to create a healing flow around the chakras.  

Each chakra responds to a special colour and to crystals of corresponding colours that are placed at the chakra points.

Lillian Too

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