The four phases of the menstrual cycle are the pre-ovulation phase before we release an
egg, ovulation when the egg is released, pre-menstruation as our bodies prepare to shed the lining of the uterus, and menstruation when we bleed. Each physical phase goes hand in hand with spiritual, emotional, and mental changes, a cycle of shifting energy that we can tap into to help us understand and heal ourselves and our bodies.
The energy of pre-ovulation is the energy of the maiden. This is our crescent moon phase. The time right after we bleed is all about rebirth, new enthusiasm, mental clarity and physical vigour. It’s a get-up-and-go energy, ready to take on new ventures, outline goals, develop new ideas. For a woman trying to conceive, pre-ovulation is a fresh month and a fresh start. It’s an ideal time to repeat positive affirmations and plan for the future you desire.
Ovulation ushers in the nurturing and supportive energy of the mother, bright and fertile as the full moon. The hormones that peak in the body at ovulation create the perfect environment not only for the support of a fertilized egg but for the nourishment of our dreams, ideas and creative goals, our “creative children.” This is a time of full creative expression, when we’re most capable of nurturing ourselves, our loved ones, and our deepest desires. Our energy has shifted from a mental focus to a strong emotional focus. This is the time to reach out, to bond, to discuss relationship problems, because now is when we bring the most empathy to communication. Especially if infertility has created stress and disconnection between you and your partner, ovulation is the optimum time to nurture your relationship and to reconnect on the deepest emotional levels.

As hormones shift in the body with the completion of ovulation and preparation for menstruation, a woman’s energy turns inward. Like the moon waning toward darkness, she becomes more introspective, reflective, with a strong desire to retreat, be alone, go deeper. This is the ideal time for evaluation, journaling, meditation, seeking answers and asking for healing. Channel negativity into a yoga practice. Allow yourself to feel, without judgment, the pain that stays buried the rest of the month. It is said that right before menstruation, the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds is thinnest. It’s important not to ignore our powerful feelings at this time because they can give insight into the truths we’re unconscious of in the more outward phases of the cycle. This can be an intensely creative time if we allow ourselves to be exactly where we are and follow the energy where it takes us.
Intrigued? Join us for Moon Goddess for healthy hormones.
The final phase of the cycle brings us the wise woman: the quiet and intuitive energy of menstruation. The arrival of her period can be crushing for a woman who yearns to conceive. The moon is dark, and so are we. If it’s honoured, though, the energy of menstruation can open up an ideal space for the renewal and intuitive understanding needed on the fertility journey. The stress of pre-menstruation is released as we begin to bleed. During this phase our awareness is diffuse and we’re deeply attuned to the spiritual, so time spent alone in retreat from the intellectual and physical demands of everyday life, unplugging from the world to meditate, journal, and tune in to the quiet inner voice, can provide transformational wisdom and direction. During menstruation, practice extreme graciousness with your body and your heart, carving out time to be still, to listen, to assess your path, realign your perspective, and receive guidance for the month ahead. It can be challenging to make space for this kind of stillness—most of us are overrun with obligations and responsibilities that don’t have a pause button—but even half an hour of conscious connection with your inner self during this phase can help open you to deep emotional release and spiritual renewal. This is your new moon time. Drop into a space of reception that transcends rational thought. Open to the Divine, and let it speak.
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