who are you?

who are you?

вторник, 27 января 2015 г.

Get more Om in less time

Learn to understand your own chakra system


But chakras contain defense patterns lodged deeply in the nervous system, body armor, beliefs, and behaviors. Some of those defenses can be detrimental to our health, our relationships, and our success.

from Anodea Judith’s Chakra Balancing Kit

Ideal for beginners, Chakra Meditations are a powerful way to use energy healing, guided imagery, meditation, and other proven practices at home or on the go. 

воскресенье, 25 января 2015 г.

Body Breakthrough

The Body Breakthrough Program is packed with simple exercises, tools, insight and techniques to help you shift your mood in a moment!

creation power into the Sri Yantra

Welcome to the final session of Reality Bending Month! We’ve come a LONG way since you began. And we’ve explored a variety of mind-bending subjects: from dreams to heart intelligence to exotic sensory exercises.

The 5 Sacred Rings

These five guided visualizations help to balance your elemental energies, expand your consciousness, and increase the flow of electromagnetic energy throughout your body. Each MP3 audio is 25 – 30 minutes in length.

суббота, 24 января 2015 г.

Meditate Your Way To The Perfect Day

Need to get yourself focused in the morning? Play an OmHarmonics audio. Trying to solve an impossible problem? Play an OmHarmonics audio. Looking for a confidence booster just before a big presentation? Play an OmHarmonics audio. Want to relax and de-stress before going to bed? Well… you get the idea.



Passively Exercise Your Brain By Watching a 7 Minute Video...

Manifestation Map

Power Your Mind To Discover Abundance

You can create abundance through hypnosis and the Law of Attraction to start realizing your goals. The method takes only a few weeks before the mind is trained to constantly think abundantly. By Clinical Hypnotherapist, Dr. Steve G. Jones.

Effortless Success

Begin the naturally healing process right away, as this gift won't be available to download forever.

Six Free Meditations and Audios

Experience increased joy and laughter as you fill your life with gratitude. Feel amazingly grateful for life and all it entails. Boost your ability to attain your desires. Live life with confidence and power.

Make Yourself A Money Magnet

To attract more money into your life, you need to erase your own blocks and limitations that keep money energy from flowing to you.

FREE Zen12 Meditation

Zen12 takes the hassle out of meditation. Each 12-minute session brings the benefit of an hour’s advanced meditation.

суббота, 10 января 2015 г.

Mind, Body, Spirit Super Bundle

Audio Meditation For Achieving Peace And Oneness

Audio Meditation Series absolutely FREE

3 complimentary audios to:
Activate deep heart-healing
Restore inner peace
Reawaken vibrancy and vitality

How You Can Experience Deep Meditation Effortlessly

Now that you better see the benefits of deep meditation, you’re ready to learn the three tips I learned from Zen masters to help you effortlessly experience deep meditation. Meditation so deep that your mental chatter and restlessness will be a long-gone memory.