who are you?

who are you?

среда, 17 декабря 2014 г.

How would you like to decode your destiny before January 1st, 2015?

While it may sound like nothing more than a fanciful New Year’s Resolution, we assure you it isn’t. With the power of numerology on your side, 2015 can be the year you discover the fascinating truth about who you really are what your future holds.

вторник, 16 декабря 2014 г.

How Old Is Your Soul

Discover where you are in your evolutionary cycle! 
Take the soul age quiz and find out if you're an old soul. 
It's free and takes only a minute... 

Soul Engineering and The Age of Enlightenment...

  • Discover the origins of the merkabas.
  • Learn how they work and what they mean to the planet.
  • Strengthen your connection to this multi-dimensional paradigm.

Create a Radiant, Full Color Life

You want something new. You want to feel excited, not stuck. To create newness in your life, you simply want to DO new things. Since 1996 Whitney Freya has used art making as an energy modality to create new neural pathways in the part of your mind that is responsible for living your life as art.

суббота, 6 декабря 2014 г.

Love Yourself First

Once you love yourself first, you quickly have a different perception on how the world is shaped. Over the past several years, I’ve made it a point to not watch the news; since all you constantly see is death, destruction, and a lot of negative energy.