who are you?

who are you?

среда, 17 декабря 2014 г.

How would you like to decode your destiny before January 1st, 2015?

While it may sound like nothing more than a fanciful New Year’s Resolution, we assure you it isn’t. With the power of numerology on your side, 2015 can be the year you discover the fascinating truth about who you really are what your future holds.

вторник, 16 декабря 2014 г.

How Old Is Your Soul

Discover where you are in your evolutionary cycle! 
Take the soul age quiz and find out if you're an old soul. 
It's free and takes only a minute... 

Soul Engineering and The Age of Enlightenment...

  • Discover the origins of the merkabas.
  • Learn how they work and what they mean to the planet.
  • Strengthen your connection to this multi-dimensional paradigm.

Create a Radiant, Full Color Life

You want something new. You want to feel excited, not stuck. To create newness in your life, you simply want to DO new things. Since 1996 Whitney Freya has used art making as an energy modality to create new neural pathways in the part of your mind that is responsible for living your life as art.

суббота, 6 декабря 2014 г.

Love Yourself First

Once you love yourself first, you quickly have a different perception on how the world is shaped. Over the past several years, I’ve made it a point to not watch the news; since all you constantly see is death, destruction, and a lot of negative energy.

воскресенье, 30 ноября 2014 г.

How Can You Find The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

Whether you’re in a breakup right now or have suffered one in the past . . . you may still be stuck in a frustrating limbo—between the familiar life you had before your breakup, and the life you now face that is filled with unknowns, that you might not know how to fully step into.

пятница, 28 ноября 2014 г.

The ONE (1) Challenge

The Challenge Numbers are written into everyone's Numerology 
Chart and in many ways, they are a blessing and a curse. Challenges 
deal with important life lessons the soul seeks. It is in the Challenges, 
we turn our weaknesses into strengths. 

Advanced Numerology Teleclass

You will be learning Numerology but more importantly, you will be learning what the books do not teach you. I will share with you my years of experience and expertise. I will teach you to "feel" the energy of the numbers and how to recognize them in people's actions.

четверг, 27 ноября 2014 г.


Finally, explore these questions when you are in an enrollment conversation with a prospective client. This is where you can tailor your understanding of their pain points and aspirations directly to them.   

среда, 26 ноября 2014 г.

Benefits of Reiki

Reiki works on different levels—the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—enhancing everything in life. Reiki is not only one of the oldest healing systems in use, it is also one of the most versatile. This ancient Eastern method of healing uses energy to balance the body and mind, and its benefits can be felt by both Reiki practitioners and their clients. In fact, Reiki is believed to improve just about any aspect of life, from physical health to emotional well-being to stress reduction and mental clarity.

суббота, 22 ноября 2014 г.

A World Famous Palm Reader

Palm Reading has always been the most sought after and the most common astrological tool of reading one's destiny and predicting one's future. A person's palm and the lines are the complete and true reflection of that person and it allows precise insights into the person's past, present and future. One can make future predictions about a person's health, his / her married life, education and also about the overall personality by interpreting the lines of the palm. The answers you'll discover from your palm will surprise you.

четверг, 20 ноября 2014 г.

Reiki Mission Statemen

To make Reiki knowledge, guidance, attunements available to everyone that seeks them.To make the highest level of Reiki training and support available for everyone so that healing can be spread throughout the world.

Get Your Free Numerology Reading

Our Obsession with Mathematics, Geometry and the connectedness of all things has reached a high not recorded in history for thousands of years. Skeptics and Fans worldwide realize there is a pattern in nature and the universe. Just turn on the TV and you will see shows like "Touch" & countless movies that feature Numbers in Nature and our world. We look forward to introducing you to more Numerology that exists in your world and where to find it.  Stay as long as you want, or leave as soon as you want, with Numerologist.com you are in control of your own destiny.

50 Positive Life Power Questions Exercise

the answer to soaring successes in your career

The Mirror of the Mind Technique for Problem Solving - The Silva Method

The Silva Method Mind Experience

Evolve your mind, body and life with 3 of The Silva Method’s most powerful mind exercises. Used and loved by over 6 million people worldwide.

четверг, 13 ноября 2014 г.

Four Fatal Flaws of a Romantic Hero

Jealousy… definitely one of the least likeable and most destructive traits a romantic hero can possess. A heroine who ends up with a jealous man can expect to be alienated from her friends, estranged from her family, and have her choices criticised and controlled. Which brings me to the second flaw…

среда, 29 октября 2014 г.

четверг, 23 октября 2014 г.

Dragon Sun Grounding Meditations


Stone of the Month

The Crystal Matrix Center has a wide collection of mineral and crystals for all your decorative, feng shui and metaphysical needs.

Dragonstones Consult the Oracle

Sit quietly, focusing inward. Click on the bag of stones to receive your Pick of the Day.

суббота, 11 октября 2014 г.

йога с утра

Когда вы погружаетесь в утреннее упражнение, не думайте, что вы одиноки. Ваши домашние питомцы тоже принимают удобную позу. Они копируют нас, мы копируем их повадки.

сознание друга

Сознание друга важно для нас. Его энергетика отпечатывается на нашей.

пятница, 26 сентября 2014 г.


Приятная неожиданность или неприятная обязанность. Для кого как. Процесс один, а впечатления разные.